Change " Limit grace logins" thru iManager problem.
I wan't to change "Limit grace logins" in ConsoleOne in "Password Restrictions" from default setting of "6" to "15" for entire Tree. I used iManager and changed "Limit the number of grace logins...
View ArticlePre-login Policies Slow
Running ZCM 11.1.0 for now. Have a particular managed device (Dell laptop) that takes an unusual amount of time when disconnected from network "processing policies for user pre-login" when attempting...
View Article9505 post office not available
GW2012 on SLES11 single PO - PO/MTA server, Webacc/GWIA/MTA server 3 users are getting the 9505 error saying something about soap. But since datasync is working for these users, and other users are...
View ArticleGWIA operation failing
At this point, I'm just logging a problem. I've no real insight into it yet. The problem is that email stops being sent through GWIA. Until 2012 SP1, GWIA would actually crash and I simply had a cron...
View ArticleSUSE PHP enable zip function.
1. installed php.zlib 2. Where can I enter the follow command , i can't find the configure folder. ./configure --enable-zip Thanks.
View ArticleMSTSC 6.2.9200 bundles RDP Lanch action does not work
Sinds we updated our RDP clients to MSTSC 6.2.9200 the bundles with a RDP Lanch action does not work any more. This is a serious problem. W2K8R2 ZCM 11.2 and 11.2 Clients.
View ArticleError 550 with PureFTP on OES11 SP1 with RemoteHomeDirectory
Hi, we have novell-oes-pure-ftpd installed on OES11 SP1, with "EnableRemoteHomeDirectory yes". Redirection to the remote homedirectory works as designed but changing into a newly created subdirectory...
View ArticleZPM 11.2.1 Windows Update Problem. DAU broken?
Hello, Im facing big problems with our ZPM (version, ZCM: We want to use the ZPM to rollout all WS Updates centrally to all our Clients. Later also other updates like Adobe,...
View Articlefile "copy if different" not creating file
Hi, We face following issue with an install file linux bundle: If choosing "copy always" the file really gets written every time - that´s expected. If choosing "copy if different" the will only be...
View ArticleHTML signature is sometime show up with + instead of +
GroupWise 2012 SP1 Sometime (not all) when we recieve HTML email with internationale phone numbers the phone number is showing as ჹ 36785543 instead of +45 36785543 ! FYI: I have forwarded the...
View ArticleDisable server to give users an email free day
Our management is asking me if we could give employees and email free day/weekend. They would like me to disable access to our email system from outside. I know it's kind of a weird idea in this day...
View Articlecannot receive new updates because System Update entitlement
Hello I am getting since some days the following error message in ZCC / Configuration / System Updates: You cannot receive new updates because System Update entitlement has either expired, or could not...
View ArticleGWIA crash
On server 2003EntSP2 GWIA has to be restarted almost daily. So much so I wrote a batch script to do it. The only information I can find is in the eventviewer. Event Type: Information Event Source: GWIA...
View ArticleAdd Documents/Photos with Mobile-App
Use Vibe Mobile App on Android and wondering... I can't find an option to upload/share a Document or a Photo from Phone to Vibe (Documentfolder / Photoalbum). 1. Not in the Android-OS-Sharing-Shortcuts...
View ArticleLogin Tracking on OES Linux
I have scheduled in the not too distant future to replace my last NetWare file server with SLES/OES 11. In preparation to the end of an era, I'm looking at some of the additional services that we've...
View ArticleBest Practice for Moving Users in Directory
I'm planning on doing some renovations to my eDir structure to modernize it and make it more reflective of the current state of our organization. After a small start of just moving my IT department and...
View ArticleGW7 to GW8
We have an OES2 linux server with GW7. When running the install all the software is updated in the groupwise software directory without problem. When you select the domain directory and click update...
View ArticleMSSQL version
We are just setting up a second zone for a new business area. The initial instal was zenworks 11.1a with embedded sybase. We want to migrate the database over to MSSQL 2008 R2 SP1, by the letter of the...
View ArticleCPU high utilization after patch download
I am noticing something strange on my zcm server (11.1a) ever since October 26th at around 1:30-2:30 (last week it was usually 2:40PM, this week it is happening at 1:40PM, seems like the time change...
View ArticleSorting Comments
I have a user that wants to sort the comments people have left for a file he posted in Vibe .. currently the comments are displaying oldest first and he wants to change the display to newest first.....
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