Modify Datasync Web Login Page
Hi, Running Datasync 1.2.5 build 299. I want to modify the web server login page with company logo etc. Where are the files? Regards John
View ArticleMiggui - Transfer ID on Xenserver
Hello, we are currently planning a transfer ID process on xenserver, as xenserver has no virtual video Card i can only use vnc wich will cause problem when the IP change happens. I read a few though...
View ArticleExpensive Adobe Acrobat Pro required for airprint?
Hello, today i setup a new iprint appliance with a renderer device (Office 2010 full and Adobe XI pro trial). Everything works fine overall my prefered print method "AirPrint". Is a Adobe full version...
View ArticleCannot enable IMAP over SSL on POA
We are running GroupWise 8.0.3 on SLES 10 OES2.We want to enable IMAP over SSL on one Post Office Agent.IMAP Port for Incoming IMAP requests: 143 (Default) is open, but port 993 stay close.I am getting...
View ArticleSimple setup issue?
Hi, I'm running NSD7.0.2, seem to be getting most things setup. However, while I have customers (imported from eDir), and they can login etc, there is no 'create a new problem/incident ticket' anywhere...
View ArticleReg Edit fails / Reg Edit export includes empty HKLM entry
11.2.3a - users NOT local admins Having an issue on some (not all users) that presents itself as such: When setting a registry key in HKCU: (pertaining to IE)...
View ArticleHTML Global Signature Formatting
Hopefully this is an easy question and I'm just being overly cautious by not just trying things... I've been asked to update my Global Signature on outgoing email and I am having some formatting issues...
View ArticleMessage autofill?
We have just upgraded from GW 7 using the Outlook Connector with Outlook 2003 clients to GW 2012 and the 2012 client. There is one user that sends out a monthly report to the same individuals that...
View ArticleDisabled then enabled account issue....
Here is the issue I am having. There was an account that had been disabled. Today I went and enabled the account and tested it on one of my Windows XP sp3 PC's that has the 4.91sp5 client on it, was...
View ArticleMigrating to new server: advice! :)
Hi! My current GroupWise 2012 SP2 server is a SuSE 10 SP4 and I need to migrate to a new server! I currently have 5% disk space left and have ordered additional drives, but while I'm going through the...
View ArticleCalendar Publishing Date Limitations
I have a client who is telling me his Calendar Publishing server is unable to display more than 6 months of events. Is there a way to configure the calendar publishing server to show a longer period of...
View Articleopening tickets with mail- setting fields priority, item typ
We are able to open tickets via emial, but i would like to have the ticket open with field pre populated which are differrent than default. examples, have ticket open with PRIORITY=HIGH, ITEM...
View ArticleiPrint Appliance LDAP conf
Hi! Got my fingers behind iPrint Appliance and try to configure it. We have at site OES11 SP1 and using printers via iPrint from there, plan is now to try iPrint Appliance as old version does work ok....
View ArticleSamsung s4 sync calender but not mail
Hello there. The problem: after upgrading our data synchronizer to version 1.2.5 Build: 299, one employee have not been able to get his emails synced to his Samsung galaxy S4. The strange part is that...
View ArticleZMM BlackBerry 10 App
Hi, Where can i find the BB 10 ZenWorks app? On the latest ZMM update of the server it enables BB 10 support but no app in the BB store. Kr
View ArticleBest Pactices? Large communal workgroup mailbox
Hi all, What's the best way of setting up so that many people (say 10-20) can respond to mails coming into a communal mailbox? We need everyone in the department to be able to view incoming mails,...
View ArticleCan't start Neat32
When I try to start NEAT32 I get an error message that says prtwin32.dll can't be found. How do I accquire this file and load it into the system.
View ArticleCan't sync multiple calendars with iPhone
We have an issue that we can't synch multiple GroupWise calendars with our corporate supplied iPhones. We have GroupWise SP1. Is there any solution for this problem. Thanks
View ArticleCannot resolve, repositories inaccessible
I've set the system proxy up to use our proxy and to do so without a login; if I set Firefox to "use system proxy", I can get out to anywhere on fine. Thus I know the proxy is working. Let...
View ArticleeDirectory question about OES2SP3 to OES11SP1 upgrade
My apologies if this is not the correct place to ask this question but I decided to ask here becuase my question involved OES. We are going to perform an offline upgrade to OES 11 SP1 of an OES2SP3...
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