The /etc/logevent.conf on the MAG appliance still references an obsolete Tomcat5 location: /var/opt/novell/tomcat5/auditcache
Unfortunately that auditcache subfolder really is present on the file-system too. And it is the ONLY thing that exists under that otherwise dead tomcat5 parent location.
It should be moved into Tomcat7 structure instead (with correct novlwww.novlwww ownership preserved!!), the /etc/logevent.conf should be edited, and the entire tomcat5 structure should then be removed from the file system.
- Stefan
Unfortunately that auditcache subfolder really is present on the file-system too. And it is the ONLY thing that exists under that otherwise dead tomcat5 parent location.
It should be moved into Tomcat7 structure instead (with correct novlwww.novlwww ownership preserved!!), the /etc/logevent.conf should be edited, and the entire tomcat5 structure should then be removed from the file system.
- Stefan