since the dbsrv10 process is consuming 99.9% CPU most of the time, I decided to upgrade ZCM from 10.3.1 to 11 SP1.
Using ZDC to verify the database, it gave me the follwing:
I then took a snapshot of the VM and attempted to run the upgrade, according to the ZENworks 11 Support Pack 1 Upgrade Guide of August 08, 2011 , which at a first glance appeared to come through. The dbsrv was now a dbsrv12, consuming only a minimal amount of CPU, but logging into ZCM showed a rather empty leftside menu, containing only Home, Reports and Configuration, and under Configuration, ZCM was still listed as 10.3.1.
Well, I reverted from the snapshot, so I'm back at square one.
Apparentely '2 error(s) found while verifying Columns of Table zZENServerSchedule' is a major showwstopper.
How should I proceed from here?
Thanks in advance.
since the dbsrv10 process is consuming 99.9% CPU most of the time, I decided to upgrade ZCM from 10.3.1 to 11 SP1.
Using ZDC to verify the database, it gave me the follwing:
zen:/mnt/disk/Common/tools/zdc # ./zdc_zen11
_________ ____
|__ / _ \ / ___| Novell ZENworks(R)
/ /| | | | |
/ /_| |_| | |___ v 0.8 (11.1.0)
/____|____/ \____|
There was a problem loading a required library (zdcnative). You may continue wi th user inputs but any passwords you type will be echoed to the console.
+ Starting ZENworks Diagnostic Center.
+ ----------------------------------
System Information:
+ ----------------------------------
OS: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 64 bit
Database: Embedded Sybase
ZCM Version: 10.3.1
+ Loading configuration.
+ Initializing native libraries.
[!] Could not load native library, native features will be disabled
+ Attempting to connect to database.
+ Connected to the database.
+ Verifying System State.
+ ----------------------------------
Running 'Database Verifier'.
+ ----------------------------------
+ Verifying ZCM Database metadata.
[!] 2 error(s) found while verifying Columns of Table zZENServerSchedule
+ ZCM Database metadata verification complete.
+ Reports have been saved in '/var/opt/novell/log/zenworks/zdcreports/20120208_ 100906'.
+ System verification complete.
Well, I reverted from the snapshot, so I'm back at square one.
Apparentely '2 error(s) found while verifying Columns of Table zZENServerSchedule' is a major showwstopper.
How should I proceed from here?
Thanks in advance.