In an exsiting Volume (VOL1) which is shadowed, I copied a specific folder (Folder1) into a newly created Volume (VOL2).
VOL1\Folder1 copied on VOL2\Folder1
I need to copy the shadow files\folders of Folder1 from VOL1 to VOL2\Folder1.
Size of Shadow files\folders of VOL1\Folder1 is 1.2 TB.
Any help is welcome.
In an exsiting Volume (VOL1) which is shadowed, I copied a specific folder (Folder1) into a newly created Volume (VOL2).
VOL1\Folder1 copied on VOL2\Folder1
I need to copy the shadow files\folders of Folder1 from VOL1 to VOL2\Folder1.
Size of Shadow files\folders of VOL1\Folder1 is 1.2 TB.
Any help is welcome.