We're looking for ideas on how others have setup their categories, types and items respectively. In addition what kind of success or problems have you encountered with pulling in data from ZENworks specifically? What works for you? Any cool tricks or ways you've creatively displayed items, types or categories?
Are you using custom item numbers or are you using the system assigned and why?
What kind of setups are good for our end of it with regards to reporting?
How do you handle software titles?
Do you keep things really simple or very detailed?
With regards to ZENworks importing of hardware data, is there a way to customize what categories, types and items their created in/as? After an item is created it appears like you can edit some things, but not category. Can you manually create certain items up front and then link to AMIE for those items to pull in the rest, basically linking them. If not that would be a neat trick.
Service Desk 7.0.2 Appliance (w/Incident Management License)
We're looking for ideas on how others have setup their categories, types and items respectively. In addition what kind of success or problems have you encountered with pulling in data from ZENworks specifically? What works for you? Any cool tricks or ways you've creatively displayed items, types or categories?
Are you using custom item numbers or are you using the system assigned and why?
What kind of setups are good for our end of it with regards to reporting?
How do you handle software titles?
Do you keep things really simple or very detailed?
With regards to ZENworks importing of hardware data, is there a way to customize what categories, types and items their created in/as? After an item is created it appears like you can edit some things, but not category. Can you manually create certain items up front and then link to AMIE for those items to pull in the rest, basically linking them. If not that would be a neat trick.
Service Desk 7.0.2 Appliance (w/Incident Management License)