I have to install the zcmagent in an Citrix Xenapp environment.
All bundles are installed on the workstations without requirenment options.
Now I have to set the requirenment Windows Server Type <> Terminalserver on all bundles.
If I set this, the version will go up and all bundles an all workstations will reinstalled.
That´s not good for some bundles.
Any solution to prevent this or to prevent the installation of bundles in terminalserver sessions?
I will use the NAL Window to control the use of apps in the session.
I have to install the zcmagent in an Citrix Xenapp environment.
All bundles are installed on the workstations without requirenment options.
Now I have to set the requirenment Windows Server Type <> Terminalserver on all bundles.
If I set this, the version will go up and all bundles an all workstations will reinstalled.
That´s not good for some bundles.
Any solution to prevent this or to prevent the installation of bundles in terminalserver sessions?
I will use the NAL Window to control the use of apps in the session.