I am totally new to groupwise.
I am trying to install a GW 2012 test system.
I tried this several times on Windows 2008 R2 and Linux on VMWare ESXi, without any success.
I searched the internet and this forum for any info but I am stuck.
I can install eDirectory, Novell Client and ConsoleOne
I tried many different settings in eDirectory setup (i.e.):
Tree Name: TESTING
Server: WIN-GW2012-NDS\novell\.com
Admin Name: admin
Admin Context: novell.\com
Password: novell
After installation of the Novell client I cannot login to the client or ConsoleOne.
I tried different values, but I get: Server not found, Tree not found or wrong context.
Is there any step-by-step instruction for setting up a test system?
What are the right values?
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you
I am totally new to groupwise.
I am trying to install a GW 2012 test system.
I tried this several times on Windows 2008 R2 and Linux on VMWare ESXi, without any success.
I searched the internet and this forum for any info but I am stuck.
I can install eDirectory, Novell Client and ConsoleOne
I tried many different settings in eDirectory setup (i.e.):
Tree Name: TESTING
Server: WIN-GW2012-NDS\novell\.com
Admin Name: admin
Admin Context: novell.\com
Password: novell
After installation of the Novell client I cannot login to the client or ConsoleOne.
I tried different values, but I get: Server not found, Tree not found or wrong context.
Is there any step-by-step instruction for setting up a test system?
What are the right values?
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you