NB: I've Repeated these tests about 30 times to make sure !
Using Sage 50 Accounting software finding SLOW performance with OES + Windows
(aged Debtors function with 2315 customer records)
all using same workstation (with an without novell client)
Same 100mpbs connection switch
Server 1 - OES 11 Server with SAS RAID1, Windows 7 Client SP3
12mins 20 secs to read through 2315 records
Server 2 - share on dirt cheapo old PC running XP Pro
53 secs to read through 2315 records (same data as above)
Rerun a few seconds after 1st pass - only 9 secs
whilst the windows share setup fluctuates the OES between 9 & 53 secs the OES is consistently dog slow at 12mins 20secs
On another Server (similar spec) with Novell CIFs
using the same PC with Novell client removed (same data)
a bit faster than with Novell client - 1 min 45 secs - again consistent timing
No anti-Virus installed on PC's
The progress bar with Novell client goes something like 3,8,12,13, 18,22,26,27... whilst the windows share jumps 20+ 30+ 50+
Default Novell Caching settings - with file caching on - true comitt off
This process is READ only no write
with CIFs tried with and without Opslocks disabled
any ideas how to improve the speed
We install NW client for GW archives on the server
Hate to have to move to Windows Server
Sage can't help - as its obviously Novell client related
Using Sage 50 Accounting software finding SLOW performance with OES + Windows
(aged Debtors function with 2315 customer records)
all using same workstation (with an without novell client)
Same 100mpbs connection switch
Server 1 - OES 11 Server with SAS RAID1, Windows 7 Client SP3
12mins 20 secs to read through 2315 records
Server 2 - share on dirt cheapo old PC running XP Pro
53 secs to read through 2315 records (same data as above)
Rerun a few seconds after 1st pass - only 9 secs
whilst the windows share setup fluctuates the OES between 9 & 53 secs the OES is consistently dog slow at 12mins 20secs
On another Server (similar spec) with Novell CIFs
using the same PC with Novell client removed (same data)
a bit faster than with Novell client - 1 min 45 secs - again consistent timing
No anti-Virus installed on PC's
The progress bar with Novell client goes something like 3,8,12,13, 18,22,26,27... whilst the windows share jumps 20+ 30+ 50+
Default Novell Caching settings - with file caching on - true comitt off
This process is READ only no write
with CIFs tried with and without Opslocks disabled
any ideas how to improve the speed
We install NW client for GW archives on the server
Hate to have to move to Windows Server
Sage can't help - as its obviously Novell client related