Using Novell 3.6 RBPM 3.7
I have to send a mail with all the users terminated on the end of each day (I have configured a job which fires a policy in Loop back). Client wants a single mail with list of users profiles terminated. How should I be setting the template so that each user in a new line (sample below). Problem is that I am not able to introduce new line after each user, if I add <br> then comes as is and does not transform into HTML equivalent (Line break).
I am using email from template option from Policy.
-----Sample Template------------------
Following users have be terminated:
John Doe1
John Doe2
Jane Doe
Please Help
I have to send a mail with all the users terminated on the end of each day (I have configured a job which fires a policy in Loop back). Client wants a single mail with list of users profiles terminated. How should I be setting the template so that each user in a new line (sample below). Problem is that I am not able to introduce new line after each user, if I add <br> then comes as is and does not transform into HTML equivalent (Line break).
I am using email from template option from Policy.
-----Sample Template------------------
Following users have be terminated:
John Doe1
John Doe2
Jane Doe
Please Help