Hi, first of all I'm sorry if I post this in the wrong place. I wasn't sure if I should post this in the Netware client forum or the ZENworks forum. Lately I'm having a rough time to silently deploy the Novell client 2 SP3 IR3 using a ZENworks bundle. The bundle was working great the last 2 years. With each new version all I did was update my bundle with the new files. But lately my bundle will just freeze during the setup.exe execution. And it just sits there without any errors or crash. After checking the logs I get a log about the application setup.exe_unknown that crash with error 1000 from the Application journal.
Journal: Application
Source: Application Error
Event: 1000
Category: (100)
Nom de lapplication défaillante setup.exe_unknown, version :, horodatage : 0x51f74458
Nom du module défaillant : setup.exe, version :, horodatage : 0x51f74458
Code dexception : 0x40000015
Décalage derreur : 0x00118f69
ID du processus défaillant : 0x230
Heure de début de lapplication défaillante : 0x01ce99f8d803285f
Chemin daccès de lapplication défaillante : C:\Temp\NC2SP3IR3\setup.exe
Chemin daccès du module défaillant: C:\Temp\NC2SP3IR3\setup.exe
ID de rapport : 163e85d0-05ec-11e3-a80c-4437e63c8e49
I can restart the computer 10 times in a row and the setup.exe will crash every single time. But sometimes it will pass without any problem! It's driving me crazy! By the way we are using ZENworks 11.2.3a MU1 and Windows 7 Ent. SP1 x64 French.
Thanks in advance for the help!
Journal: Application
Source: Application Error
Event: 1000
Category: (100)
Nom de lapplication défaillante setup.exe_unknown, version :, horodatage : 0x51f74458
Nom du module défaillant : setup.exe, version :, horodatage : 0x51f74458
Code dexception : 0x40000015
Décalage derreur : 0x00118f69
ID du processus défaillant : 0x230
Heure de début de lapplication défaillante : 0x01ce99f8d803285f
Chemin daccès de lapplication défaillante : C:\Temp\NC2SP3IR3\setup.exe
Chemin daccès du module défaillant: C:\Temp\NC2SP3IR3\setup.exe
ID de rapport : 163e85d0-05ec-11e3-a80c-4437e63c8e49
I can restart the computer 10 times in a row and the setup.exe will crash every single time. But sometimes it will pass without any problem! It's driving me crazy! By the way we are using ZENworks 11.2.3a MU1 and Windows 7 Ent. SP1 x64 French.
Thanks in advance for the help!