We have ZCM 11sp1a with zesm update installed on SLES11sp2. User Source is LDAP eDir.
User Authtenciation is disabled per ZCM Admin Ref 2.7.3
In agent testing stage we have encountered a problem with logon on W764 workstations
updated to Novell Client 2SP1 (IR9a).
Upon logging on the Novell network Windows shows "The Local Username or Password is not
Valid." error message. Simply hitting the Enter key will bring up the Local Workstation
logon. When local username and password is entered both the network
and local logon are successful.
The local workstations have two standardized local accounts; one administrator and one
user. The error message and need to hit the enter key is unacceptable in our environment -
it will generate support calls.
The ZenNotify.log seems to show the agent is trying to logon locally with the
network credentials. What causes it to do that? I've created a local user account with the
same username and password as the network and the logon goes to the desktop without
error. We cannot create local user accounts for all our users.
Analyses and suggestions of a single authentication session in a ZenNotify.log would
be much appreciated. I can't upload it, but will email if someone could take a look.
Thanks very much.
User Authtenciation is disabled per ZCM Admin Ref 2.7.3
In agent testing stage we have encountered a problem with logon on W764 workstations
updated to Novell Client 2SP1 (IR9a).
Upon logging on the Novell network Windows shows "The Local Username or Password is not
Valid." error message. Simply hitting the Enter key will bring up the Local Workstation
logon. When local username and password is entered both the network
and local logon are successful.
The local workstations have two standardized local accounts; one administrator and one
user. The error message and need to hit the enter key is unacceptable in our environment -
it will generate support calls.
The ZenNotify.log seems to show the agent is trying to logon locally with the
network credentials. What causes it to do that? I've created a local user account with the
same username and password as the network and the logon goes to the desktop without
error. We cannot create local user accounts for all our users.
Analyses and suggestions of a single authentication session in a ZenNotify.log would
be much appreciated. I can't upload it, but will email if someone could take a look.
Thanks very much.