I'm working on a JDBC Driver to synchronize all users and passwords.
The password in database must be encrypted in MD5 hash so some people here in the forums helped me to use this ECMAscript function:
This function returns me the nspmDistributionPassword encrypted in MD5 format.
The problem is the return value is an integer so, for example, in the case that the return is 007a213497e1af633d9308fb02cdb64c, the function only returns 7a213497e1af633d9308fb02cdb64c without first two initial zeros.
The password field in the database is 32 chars long, so I need to return a string, to capture the initial 00...
If you want, you can try the function with these parameters:
It returns 7a213497e1af633d9308fb02cdb64c but the correct MD5 crypt is 007a213497e1af633d9308fb02cdb64c.
I'm not an expert in ECMAscript, does anybody know how to solve it? I tried to return an String but it doesn't work.
Could you help me?
Thanks in advance!
Josep M.
I'm working on a JDBC Driver to synchronize all users and passwords.
The password in database must be encrypted in MD5 hash so some people here in the forums helped me to use this ECMAscript function:
function md5pwd(password) {
var theTextToDigestAsBytes = new
var md = MessageDigest.getInstance( "MD5" );
var digest = new BigInteger["(int,byte[])"](1, md.digest()).toString(16);
return (digest);
The problem is the return value is an integer so, for example, in the case that the return is 007a213497e1af633d9308fb02cdb64c, the function only returns 7a213497e1af633d9308fb02cdb64c without first two initial zeros.
The password field in the database is 32 chars long, so I need to return a string, to capture the initial 00...
If you want, you can try the function with these parameters:
It returns 7a213497e1af633d9308fb02cdb64c but the correct MD5 crypt is 007a213497e1af633d9308fb02cdb64c.
I'm not an expert in ECMAscript, does anybody know how to solve it? I tried to return an String but it doesn't work.
Could you help me?
Thanks in advance!
Josep M.