Recovered a crashed Netware 6.5 Server with GW 6.5 by Grafting (I had luckily dbcopied just a day earlier & copied to USB drive)
After installing Consoleone, GW Administration
I used UPDATE system to install the agents
How do I create the startup files ie. gwdom.mta & gwpo.poa etc
Also rcgrpwise status or start does nothing
I'm having to start the agents with
./gwmta --show --home /path-to-domain &
./gwpoa --show --home /path-to-po &
Crashed gw is now working on GW2012
Now that its working - I don't want to mess up !!
After installing Consoleone, GW Administration
I used UPDATE system to install the agents
How do I create the startup files ie. gwdom.mta & gwpo.poa etc
Also rcgrpwise status or start does nothing
I'm having to start the agents with
./gwmta --show --home /path-to-domain &
./gwpoa --show --home /path-to-po &
Crashed gw is now working on GW2012
Now that its working - I don't want to mess up !!