Identity Servers screen --> Shared Settings tab --> Attribute Sets sub-tab --> either create a new Set or edit any existing.
There is no way edit any existing attributes and more importantly.... there is NO WAY TO KNOW what choices were selected when the attribute was added to the Set.
At least, nothing beyond the "Local Attribute" and "Remote Attribute" for it.
But there are two other fields you can use to customize an attribute while adding it to the set: "Remote namespace" and "Remote format"
They are not displayed on the parent screen, and since you cannot edit attributes once they've been added to the parent screen.... you are left completely unable to know how they are configured.
Both of the following should change:
1) Attributes need to be editable.
2) Include two more columns to this screen (clearly enough room to do so...) for Remote Namespace and Remote Format, so that you can easily glance at the settings for all of the attributes included in a set (potentially dozens, so I don't want to have to laboriously click to edit each one just so I can get a full picture).
- Stefan
There is no way edit any existing attributes and more importantly.... there is NO WAY TO KNOW what choices were selected when the attribute was added to the Set.
At least, nothing beyond the "Local Attribute" and "Remote Attribute" for it.
But there are two other fields you can use to customize an attribute while adding it to the set: "Remote namespace" and "Remote format"
They are not displayed on the parent screen, and since you cannot edit attributes once they've been added to the parent screen.... you are left completely unable to know how they are configured.
Both of the following should change:
1) Attributes need to be editable.
2) Include two more columns to this screen (clearly enough room to do so...) for Remote Namespace and Remote Format, so that you can easily glance at the settings for all of the attributes included in a set (potentially dozens, so I don't want to have to laboriously click to edit each one just so I can get a full picture).
- Stefan