I'm having a hard time getting hands on reliable documentation about the zmgbootcd utility
As mentioned in the following documentation :
We have to download the zmgbootcd imaging utility is a part of the following MSI/RPM files:
So i downloaded it and installed...
It seems to have the same install behavior as zmgexplorer ( no gui or confirmation on where it has been installed )
For zmgexplorer i managed to use it after looking around in the Novell or Zenworks Folders.
The imgbootcd utiliy installs itself at the same location than zmgexplorer... but i am unable to start it. always get this error message :
Please provide the proper inputs..
So i guessed that it wanted the iso file passed as parameter... still no luck but different error message.
C:\Novell\ZENworks\bin\preboot>bootcd-editor.bat bootcd.iso
Please provide full/proper path to ko driver..
Maybe i am missing something here, anyone can help ?
My goal is to edit the bootcd to make a DVD bootable image for workstations that are not in the PXE range of our Zenworks Server.
Thank you in advance !
As mentioned in the following documentation :
We have to download the zmgbootcd imaging utility is a part of the following MSI/RPM files:
So i downloaded it and installed...
It seems to have the same install behavior as zmgexplorer ( no gui or confirmation on where it has been installed )
For zmgexplorer i managed to use it after looking around in the Novell or Zenworks Folders.
The imgbootcd utiliy installs itself at the same location than zmgexplorer... but i am unable to start it. always get this error message :
Please provide the proper inputs..
So i guessed that it wanted the iso file passed as parameter... still no luck but different error message.
C:\Novell\ZENworks\bin\preboot>bootcd-editor.bat bootcd.iso
Please provide full/proper path to ko driver..
Maybe i am missing something here, anyone can help ?
My goal is to edit the bootcd to make a DVD bootable image for workstations that are not in the PXE range of our Zenworks Server.
Thank you in advance !