i have a problem with the addressbooks. I wrote a php script with soap service for a list of all phone numbers, emails, birthdays etc.
Until a few days ago the script run correctly without problems. I changed nothing but now it doesn't work. I get the error "Missing session string". The login and the list of all addressbooks works but I can't get items from it.
Here is the part of the source:
then I get this:
--- object(getItemsResponse)#35 (2) { ["items"]=> NULL ["status"]=> object(Status)#36 (4) { ["code"]=> int(59920) ["description"]=> string(22) "Missing session string" ["info"]=> NULL ["problems"]=> NULL } } ---
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in C:\xampp\htdocs\groupwise_data.php on line 153
Please help me.
Best regards
P.S. I am using Groupwise 8.0.2
i have a problem with the addressbooks. I wrote a php script with soap service for a list of all phone numbers, emails, birthdays etc.
Until a few days ago the script run correctly without problems. I changed nothing but now it doesn't work. I get the error "Missing session string". The login and the list of all addressbooks works but I can't get items from it.
Here is the part of the source:
PHP Code:
include "classes/GroupwiseService800.php";
$ABtoDUMP = "Testgroup";
$gwclient = new GroupwiseService(
array("location" => "http://IP-Adress/soap", // Groupwiseserver
"trace" => true,
"connection_timeout" => 1000,
$tapp = new TrustedApplication();
$tapp->username = "testuser"; // Groupwiseuser
$tapp->name = "ABReader"; // Trusted Applicationname
$tapp->key = "TRUSTEDKEY"; // Trusted Application Key
//trusted login request
$lr = new loginRequest();
$lr->auth = $tapp;
$lr->language = "de";
$lr->userid = true;
$lr->application = "ABReader"; // Trusted Applicationname
$lr->version = "1.03";
print "--> Login...<br>";
try {
$res = $gwclient->loginRequestTrusted_nonWSDL($lr);
catch(Exception $e) {
print("ERROR Exception während der Loginabfrage");
$ERROR = 1;
if ( 0 != $res['status']->code ) {
print "ERROR code: " . $res->faultcode . " - " . $res->description . "<br>";
$ERROR = 1;
else {
#$gwclient->session = $res['session'];
print "<br>name: " . $res['session'] . "<br>";
print "OK gwVersion: " . $res['gwVersion'] . "<br>";
$options = array("location" => "http://IP-Address/soap", // Groupwiseserver
"trace" => true,
"gwtrace" => true,
"connection_timeout" => 1000,
$gwclient = new GroupwiseService(
if ( $ERROR == 0 )
print "--> Getting Addressbooklist...<br>";
try {
$ablres = $gwclient->getAddressBookListRequest();
} catch(Exception $e) {
print('ERROR Exception while getAddressBookListRequest');
$ERROR = 1;
// print "\n---\n"; var_dump($ablres); print "\n---\n";
$items = count($ablres->books->book);
print " Books: " . $items . "<br>";
if ( $items == 0 )
$ERROR = 1;
} else
foreach ($ablres->books->book as $book)
// print (" " . $book->name ." ID:" . $book->id . "\n");
if ($book->name == $ABtoDUMP)
#print (" name: " . $book->name ."<br>ID:" . $book->id . "<br>");
$ABID = $book->id;
if ($ABID == "")
print ("ERROR: No Addressbooks >". $ABtoDUMP . "<br>");
$ERROR = 1;
if ( $ERROR == 0 )
print "--> Getting Entrys...<br>";
$fe = new FilterEntry( 'eq', 'name', NULL, '*', NULL );
$filt = new Filter( $fe );
$ir = new getItemsRequest();
$ir->container = $ABID;
$ir->filter = $filt;
#print "\n---\n"; var_dump($ir); print "\n---\n";
$ires = $gwclient->getItemsRequest($ir);
print "\n---\n"; var_dump($ires); print "\n---\n";
$items = count($ires->items->item);
print " Entrys: " . $items . "<br><br>";
--- object(getItemsResponse)#35 (2) { ["items"]=> NULL ["status"]=> object(Status)#36 (4) { ["code"]=> int(59920) ["description"]=> string(22) "Missing session string" ["info"]=> NULL ["problems"]=> NULL } } ---
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in C:\xampp\htdocs\groupwise_data.php on line 153
Please help me.
Best regards
P.S. I am using Groupwise 8.0.2