We are implementing some rules in a Business-Logic driver (in the Event of the Subscriber). When a user attribute (managerCode for example) is modified in eDirectory, we update another attribute (managerDN) using a business-logic rule: sub-etp-User-UpdateManagerDN.
The problem we are facing, is that when the attribute is modified via another rule in the business-logic, the managerDN is not automatically updated. We need to migrate a user manually in order to update the managerDN attribute.
Can we trigger an automatic update of managerDN when managerCode is modified in Business-Logic rule?
Thank you in advance,
We are implementing some rules in a Business-Logic driver (in the Event of the Subscriber). When a user attribute (managerCode for example) is modified in eDirectory, we update another attribute (managerDN) using a business-logic rule: sub-etp-User-UpdateManagerDN.
The problem we are facing, is that when the attribute is modified via another rule in the business-logic, the managerDN is not automatically updated. We need to migrate a user manually in order to update the managerDN attribute.
Can we trigger an automatic update of managerDN when managerCode is modified in Business-Logic rule?
Thank you in advance,