Well, managed to-do this update on ZCM 11.2.1 (SLES 11) to 11.2.2.
But on Windows XP devices (well, so far just one for test) I saw that after first restart after update ... on ZCC still appear "Awaiting Reboot" for this device and ... I'd wait my 40 minutes and more 15 and tried to login (into AD, so, this wasn't depending on ZCM server), NAL window was empty. So, I'd second restart manually and then it was reflected ok on ZCC (Update Completed) and after my 40 minutes service was started and during login also ok NAL window. So, why this second restart? Probably I missed something. And, one more thing, some directory named as "{4bb8218c-aebf-4113-882f-b10ae15c8218}" was left behind (in root) inside for files as ... PegWnsu, OBE_AKUPjtx, Zcpte2.NNH and Waxsg.EVL.
Almost same on updated (at least) one W7 ... same dir left behind and after first reboot (even this time ZCC did show update completed) agent didn't "wake up" and second was needed. Mh.
More thanks, Alar.
Well, managed to-do this update on ZCM 11.2.1 (SLES 11) to 11.2.2.
But on Windows XP devices (well, so far just one for test) I saw that after first restart after update ... on ZCC still appear "Awaiting Reboot" for this device and ... I'd wait my 40 minutes and more 15 and tried to login (into AD, so, this wasn't depending on ZCM server), NAL window was empty. So, I'd second restart manually and then it was reflected ok on ZCC (Update Completed) and after my 40 minutes service was started and during login also ok NAL window. So, why this second restart? Probably I missed something. And, one more thing, some directory named as "{4bb8218c-aebf-4113-882f-b10ae15c8218}" was left behind (in root) inside for files as ... PegWnsu, OBE_AKUPjtx, Zcpte2.NNH and Waxsg.EVL.
Almost same on updated (at least) one W7 ... same dir left behind and after first reboot (even this time ZCC did show update completed) agent didn't "wake up" and second was needed. Mh.
More thanks, Alar.