SLES 11.1 x64
ZCM 11.2.0 straight install right off the Novell ISO.
Current zone is running 11.2.1. Built a new primary server as described above. Zone auto updated it to 11.2.1 as expected. Unfortunately the update somewhat failed. I have dug through the logs on the newly built server and found the following
DEBUG;;;Attempting to move file /var/opt/novell/zenworks/tmp/preboot_conf_back_11.2.1/novell-proxydhcp.conf to /etc/opt/novell/novell-proxydhcp.conf
DEBUG;;;/var/opt/novell/zenworks/tmp/preboot_conf_back_11.2.1/novell-proxydhcp.conf (No such file or directory) /var/opt/novell/zenworks/tmp/preboot_conf_back_11.2.1/novell-proxydhcp.conf (No such file or directory)
ERROR;ERROR_MOVING_FILE;${ZENWORKS_TEMP}/preboot_conf_back_11.2.1/novell-proxydhcp.conf;/etc/opt/novell/novell-proxydhcp.conf,/var/opt/novell/zenworks/tmp/preboot_conf_back_11.2.1/novell-proxydhcp.conf (No such file or directory);null
DEBUG;;;An error occured during command execution...details should have already been logged
To be sure I didn't muck anything up, I uninstalled ZCM from this server, deleted the server and started over. Same exact error with a brand new build.
Any assistance is greatly appreciated!
SLES 11.1 x64
ZCM 11.2.0 straight install right off the Novell ISO.
Current zone is running 11.2.1. Built a new primary server as described above. Zone auto updated it to 11.2.1 as expected. Unfortunately the update somewhat failed. I have dug through the logs on the newly built server and found the following
DEBUG;;;Attempting to move file /var/opt/novell/zenworks/tmp/preboot_conf_back_11.2.1/novell-proxydhcp.conf to /etc/opt/novell/novell-proxydhcp.conf
DEBUG;;;/var/opt/novell/zenworks/tmp/preboot_conf_back_11.2.1/novell-proxydhcp.conf (No such file or directory) /var/opt/novell/zenworks/tmp/preboot_conf_back_11.2.1/novell-proxydhcp.conf (No such file or directory)
ERROR;ERROR_MOVING_FILE;${ZENWORKS_TEMP}/preboot_conf_back_11.2.1/novell-proxydhcp.conf;/etc/opt/novell/novell-proxydhcp.conf,/var/opt/novell/zenworks/tmp/preboot_conf_back_11.2.1/novell-proxydhcp.conf (No such file or directory);null
DEBUG;;;An error occured during command execution...details should have already been logged
To be sure I didn't muck anything up, I uninstalled ZCM from this server, deleted the server and started over. Same exact error with a brand new build.
Any assistance is greatly appreciated!